Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Fast and furious(maybe a little more fast than furious)

              June was a good month and also a very fast month. It seemed to fly by in almost every way. However, fast doesn’t mean bad it just means busy. Also, not a bad busy, a busy that we love because there was much work to be done and that meant we got to see many people blessed. We got to see a house be built for a family that goes to our church and was completed in one day even the leveling of the whole piece of land. On top of that another family of our church was blessed with a part of their land being leveled and a semi-retaining wall built to prevent water washout from happening. Our church was cleaned, leveled, painted and cleared of debris by a wonderful church from California. Multiple family visits were made including returning to the family from last month of the 9 nine brother with around 30 family members in total. On top of all this at the first of the month we were able to visit near the volcano to bring some relief materials. God is good in the way he provides, takes care of, and overwhelms.

               We have had the joy of having friends from Texas here in Guatemala this month which has been wonderful and refreshing. They have been going through a marriage conference with the pastors and leaders of manna worldwide here in Guatemala. It has been nice to be invested in, taught, loved, and taken care of in this way. It has shown us the leaders, pastors, and teachers need to be taken care of as well. To not always be the ones running the show, but to be able to come listen and just take in the blessing of being invested in is so so important. So I challenge you if you are not one of the people in these positions search, pray, and seek how you could invest in those that are the ones normally doing the investing. Because it is a blessing to take care of, but also to be taken care of.  Thank the Lord for His people and the work and love of His people.

This month we ask specifically for prayer for our church: for male leadership, volunteers, and that our church may be filled with people that truly love Him.

Personally we ask for prayer for health for our family, as we have been battling with stomach viruses this month.

Thank you for your love, support, and prayer from afar; we feel it, need it, and appreciate it greatly!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

We Are Still Here

We Are Still Here

As the month ends I see the blessings that I have every single day. Also, it is always a privilege to work with wonderful people. After 2 and a half years we, ONE for Guate ministry, had our first group from Elberton Christian church Georgia. We visited San Mateo and visited two families that were blessed with a half of a bunk bed and pastor Angel and his family were blessed with a wood burning stove.  In addition, our volunteer moms that work in San Mateo were given food baskets and shoes what a day what a long day, but a blessed day.  In San Lucas we also visited one family that needed a wood burner stove; however, once we hike what seemed like the whole day and all the gringos got really tired we notice that the people that we visited didn’t have a roof for their stove. The visit that was suppose to last no more than one hour took us half a day.  So this family got a roof, a stove, a bunk bed and a new walls and roof for their bathroom that was not in our plans, but for sure it was in God’s plans.  I saw hard work and kindness from Elberton even though this was not the plan and even though we went over budget I want to believe they saw God in their sacrifice.
In addition, Elberton visited eight more families in San Lucas and built a small house for another family this was two more days of hard work and 8 food baskets for people that needed it.  Many people were blessed this month by God and by His servants from Elberton and from Manna worldwide ministry. Yesterday, June 6 I deliver the last food baskets(left by Elberton church) to a lady that just had a baby a few days ago. So to summarize the week I will say that God works everything for good. 

Elberton left the country June 1 and June 3 Guatemala suffered the wrath for the volcano named, Fuego (fire), Fuego began spewing lava and ashes into the sky destroying towns around and killing everything in its way.  From that day till now I have seen Guatemala in pain and tears and as Peter cried out to Jesus “save Me” I am doing it today save us father save us.  I am sad that my people are in pain, but I am happy that our volunteers are ok and today will end, but tomorrow will be a new beginning.  On the other hand I have seen Guatemala as one and Manna worldwide working and serving the people that are in need right now.  I am so grateful with Manna this specific organization does so much for our people and today they are here working hand in hand with the Guatemalans giving food, beds, water, cloth, and so so much more.  Before Elberton church left they left me some donations to give away eventually, but when we didn’t know was the tragedy that happened afterwards with the eruption of the volcano.  We ended up having 8 full sizes trash bags with cloth and shoes for those in need from the eruption, so Elberton church I want to say THANK YOU.   Manna worldwide THANK YOU, all those that pray and give in many ways I want to say THANK YOU.

PS. Our family and our ministry are ok just ashes rained on us.   If you want to help all these families from the volcano please let me know there is much to do.

                                            Like us on FB One for Guate

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

April showers bring May flowers!

April showers bring May flowers.

This month we have been showered with sickness. Our baby has been well for maybe only a few days the whole month. We are all currently going through a stomach bug. It seems to have been pouring down on us this month. However, in the midst of all this we have seen the Lord so much as well. He has sent people to encourage and revive us. He has spoken to us. He has shown His power. Even through such a difficult month in the home, I think I have heard us and others say more than even how GOOD our GOD is. So in the showers YES we are seeing flowers!

When we returned from the states the work in san Lucas has been amazing. I have met new friends and I have seen old friends as well. I have been tired, I have been sick, but also I have been happy because God never stops amazing me. This month we were able to serve more than 800 people in the medical field. We were able to provide general medicine, dentistry, optometry, and pediatrics. In, addition to all of this we have visited many families and been able to provide food and water filters that last for ten years. It has been such a blessing to work with Manna Worldwide and their teams.

As I have said before it is not always flowers sometimes it is rain. I had the chance to invest time into different families, one of these families live close to the church they are rude, mean, and bully others. It has come to my attention that the community does not care for them (of course I am generalizing). Many of our feeding center kids complain about them, that they insult them, bully them, and throw rocks at them. Other people say the father of the family have raped his daughters ( I pray to God this is not true, because I have no proof). When I went to visit them, what I did see was a controlling father, I brought a peace offering with me (I brought food) and I had the chance to meet his two older daughters. All of the children always look dirty and this time sad as well. The family told me about their brother (19y/o) that just got killed two weeks ago, he was stabbed in the back and could not make it to the hospital in time. Also, three years ago another brother (15y/o) was shot in the heart and died instantly. So they are devastated now, that two men of the family have been killed and are only left with little kids. I prayed for them and left without saying very much. That same day by coincidence, I met a second family that also lost a nephew, I found out that the same boy from the other family and this nephew were fighting to kill each other and the two of them died and another one is in prison. I prayed for them as well. In this family there are nine brother and all grow with their families equaling around 30 people that live on this piece of land. This day I have the pleasure of seeing one of the sisters accepted Christ.

A few weeks later I went to see the first family again with a team and this time we brought a water filter and a food basket. By now I already knew them more and every time I see them I say hi. This time we talked to one of the sisters her name is Olga, while we were talking to her we let her know that they need Jesus they have suffered so many losses and it is time to do something different. Ryan Jones, Manna mission leader, explained to her Christ through the water filter, and how God is the only one that can clean our sins and that there is nothing that we can do to clean ourselves. When I asked her if she wanted to accept Christ she said yes and that it was a good idea to do it, However, she needed to ask her dad first. She is a lady with kids and is in her 30’s but still felt that she needed to ask her dad. During my time in Guatemala I have seen my people being chained by ideas, by religion, by family, and by ignorance. They are tied to many things that are not Christ. But I know that none of this is my God because He is freedom. Pray for me so that God will give me wisdom to guide His people, and humbleness to give Him the glory.

Two month ago I started advertizing to our church, baptism, and finally this past Sunday we got to baptize 8 people. Praise the Lord! During these two months in different occasions and many times people have approached me, and have asked me can I get baptized? Can I get baptized if I’m not married? Can I get baptized if I have done it before? Can I get baptized if I was baptized in another church? Can I get baptized if I don’t serve in this church? What would you say? What should I say? This is what God said, “repent and come back to me”. So I said baptize. These were 8 flowers for our church to see the baptism and following in Christ. 4 last year and 8 this year, God is multiplying.

On the other hand, in San Mateo, the other village that ONE for Guate works in, we unfortunately lost the building where we were feeding in due to the land lord getting tired of the noise from the church and from our kids. So we got kicked out, but the pastors that we work with in San Mateo in a few days found another place to use. Now our need is bigger in San Mateo, we need supporters and we need churches to help us. The word of God says, “You are the light and the salt of the world.” ;and ” to take care of the widow and the orphan”. This is what we are trying to do and we are so grateful for each of you that come along side of us and take part in fulfilling these commands.

Please continue to pray for our family and for the work the Lord is doing in the people around us as well.

Monday, February 5, 2018

We will fail, but God will lift us up..

It has been too long since we wrote a blog I  am sorry for that.  The past two months have been crazy especially in our house because everything has been breaking.  There is always something that needs to be fixed or replaced.  Our house, our car, our computer etc seems like it has no end and that is just a few of our problems, but at the end of every day the sun shows up the next day and we see a new beginning. 

Matthew 5:45  that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

When I think of my problems I think of this verse and I remember that God haven’t promised us comfort or that all of our problems will be solved.  All of us are children of God and many times we will have battles and many times we are going to fail and doubt so the question is not when we are going to fail, but how we are going to rise.  Also, my life of ministry brings me to another interesting verse in the bible
Psalm 37:23-24 King James Version (KJV)
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.

When man falls it is not saying IF but when brothers and sisters this is life we are going to have dark days and sunny days and God still will be with us so we have to remember a few things:
1.      He orders every single step we make good or bad, sad or happy, He is there and He knows.
2.      WHEN we fail we will not be completely destroyed, and how many examples we have in the bible just remember that.
In our difficulties we must come back to how good and powerful of a God we serve. That He is for us and not against us. That we need to abide in Him; in His name, in His word, in His love, and in His truth. We are imperfect, We fall. We lose heart. We get down, We get frustrated. WE MUST COME BACK TO HIM! Why…. Because He is the source of life, the source of hope, the source of all…because HE is ALL! This world is fading away but some days this world seems all too big in our eyes and we must discipline ourselves to refocus our minds and hearts on our good Father.
In these past few months we have had such a wonderful pleasure of having some great friends come and visit and do ministry alongside us. The presence of brothers and sister in Christ here with us is so encouraging and more than a blessing. Also, having Manna teams coming giving their time, energy, and blessings to the people we work with is such a beautiful picture of the Lord for us to get to be a part of.
About a week ago we had the privilege of being a part of a 17 year old boy, we have been working with, become a Christian. It has been good to watch God change an arrogant heart into one that is humble enough to see the need for our wonderful savior. Pray for him in his spiritual growth and relationship with the Lord.  

Please keep praying for us as a new year we have new struggles and old struggles and remember you are not a number you are family.  Also, if we can pray for you guys please let us know.
Prayer list:
Car. Our car is a 22 years old and every week something different is breaking.
 Supporters for San Mateo feeding center we have 75 kids.
Partners in ministry in every way.
Remember Manna World Wide (San Lucas feeding center)
Kevin- new Christian