Friday, October 7, 2016

The Waiting is Worth it!

September was a month of waiting and patience as you guys know we have accepted a job as a pastor in san Lucas el Manzanillos like 15 to 20 minutes from where we live.  There have been  two phases of our waiting: one, the building its not done yet, but all the first floor is done there is where we have the feeding center that belongs to Manna ministry, also in the same level is where we are going to live that part is not done yet.  The second phase of waiting is the church many people are catholic, others had a church and others just don’t want to know about Christ or don’t care about it.  I understand that this is a long long long process also I know this will take time people have to trust you first and then change will occur. It is funny because I know all of this in theory, however when it comes to practice it becomes hard.  I am learning every day and now I am happy because I have see consistency in the people that I served.  Last Saturday a family received Christ they were brought up as Catholics, but know we are so excited that they have receive Christ in their hearts.  We have struggled with the lie that numbers matter in the church so we have really been praying for the church to have quality and not quantity.  When this husband and wife said they wanted to accept Christ we were over joyed to have another brother and sister and to know this brother and sister are in the church and want more and want to grow, learn, change….Thank you Lord for a little glimpse of your quality.

I would love to preach to you and tell you what I have been telling to my congregation, but as I tell them it will be pointless if you do not act on the Word. I started our church with the book of Acts. It is important to know the beginning of the church and how different the church has become from that example.  I have learned that the Word of God has changed not by Him but by man. It is simple love your God with everything that you have and everything that you are and love your neighbor. Give to those in need and be humble. Always accept the word of God as truth and never take or add to the word of God. So, every time I preach I try to make it simple so they can understand me and clear as the Word of God is. If you the reader are a believer you need to understand that Christianity is a matter of consistence and perseverance so that you may reach the goal that is Christ. As an athlete if you want to be the best of the best you will need to work hard and harder every single day because you know what you want and you know what you need to do to reach that goal, you will sweat, you will cry, and many times be disappointed with yourself, but you will never forget your goal if you truly want to be a champion.  My fellow brother and sister in Christ you know what you need to do, don’t stop, keep going, my God is at your side.

Please keep praying for consistency in our church, in us, and in the body.

Look at ONE for guate facebook page for pictures from this month.