Tuesday, November 1, 2016

How blessed we are!!!!

Hello guys may my God bless you all in this almost end of the year.  By now almost every kid in Guatemala is out of school because the vacations (summer break) has already started.  Talking about vacations we close the feeding center in San Mateo and we will reopen the beginning of the next year.  The people that help us in San Mateo need a break and so do we.  However, during this Holy season we will open once or twice to make something special for the kids.  Please keep us in your prayers as we need more supporters to jump in, and if you want to know more about how to help us please contact me so I can let you know the best way to do so.  On the other hand, the feeding center in San Lucas and the church are still running all year long, and we are so thankful to God with the opportunity of this new ministry.  In this area as well we need so much help the communities are really poor, but thanks to God and brothers and sisters like you all we keep going.  

The feeding center is San Lucas (manna ministry) feeds between 100 and 150 kids every day and we are thankful to be a part of them.  I have had the chance to meet some of the parents and life is really interesting.  I have met moms that have 15 kids, others that had 8, and some that just keep going.  There are not many dads that we get to meet most of them are women but they keep going against the odds.  I wish I could tell you stories about these strong women, but I have respect for their privacy. However, I will tell you how blessed you and I are to be able to not think what we are going to eat the next morning or if we have enough space for our kids to sleep or enough blankets to keep them warm during the winter.   I want you to take a few minutes and think again how blessed you are and if you are complaining about your slow internet or your favorite TV show please stop and rethink again. Count those daily blessings!

Our church is still small, but as I said to the flock of the Lord I don’t need 1000 people if none will follow the Lord or do as He said. I will be much happier if I have one or two willing to die for his name.  We as believers need to find perfection, but while we work on it we need consistency meaning be Christians Sunday through Sunday not just Sunday. I have been preaching the book of Acts and we are in chapter 9 about Paul’s conversion and what really gets me is in verses 15 and 16 were God said “I will show him how much he needs to suffer for my name” my fellow brothers and sisters be thankful that others already suffered for the thing you should have in your hands every single day (your bible). 

I want to leave you with a small thought that the Lord put on my heart this month and hope it touches your's as it has mine. 
In the feeding center in San Lucas there is a special needs boy, his communication and walking skills are impaired, but the Lord said to me Morgan look at him again…so I did. As I saw him more clearly this time I started tearing up and had to walk away because of how over whelming it was. I had seen him before and thought poor thing how difficult his life is… how far he has to walk and how hard it must be for him…it really broke my heart. But this time I saw something different I saw the biggest smile that literally never leaves his face, the brightest eyes, a laugh so contagious, so much HOPE, so much JOY, so much BEAUTY, so much LOVE for others. So what did I see this time…what do I see now….I see JESUS!!! NO not poor him….. poor me, poor us, poor everyone else that we don’t live so fully in the characteristics of Jesus. I looked around and thought no other person here do I see Jesus so clearly in. How special he truly is that others may look and see our Father. So it has left me thinking am I exuding Him today. Can others just look, stare, watch and see my Father? Am I truly so much His daughter that I am taking on His identity? May you look around you and see more of HIM stare on HIS beauty and may it bring you to tears. Also, may you be seen clearly as HIS son and daughter.

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! (Rom.10:15)
    I love the ways that God is using you both in such meaningful and wonderful ways!
    Praying continually for those whom you serve as well as you three dear ones!
    Great love and deep appreciation for you three!
