Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A thousand to go!

A year has passed and guess what? WE MADE IT! This crossroad was our first hard decision we had because the odds were against us. However, by the grace of God we made it! We have been rejected, we have been made fun of, we’ve been told we wouldn’t make it, that we are just dreamers, but thanks to God and people like you we have finished a year.  Not an easy year, a year with disappointment, a year of wondering, a year with confusion, and a year with doubts, but in every situation that we lacked strength, God strengthened us and sent someone like you to aid us.  The aid came in many different ways and each one was so important and valuable to us.
 If you asked me what I have learned?  This is what I have learned: church, family, and acquaintances will fail you and many times betray you especially in the moments you need them, but when your heart is in the right place God is always going to give you an answer which can be yes, no, and wait. The other thing that I have learned is that I do not have to depend on man but depend on God because He is the one that gives and the one that takes and His love towards us has no limits. A major thing that I have been learning is humility so that God can use me . Also, I learned that to do ministry especially overseas you need people with the same heart as you, but not that they just believe in you and in your ideas, but believe on the same God that you worship. So to those who have believed in us I want to say thank you!

Now what I still need to learn is to understand people better, their ways, their thoughts, their way of living, so I may do a better job. To learn to be quite and be still while God is talking. In knowing that his will is the right move always and being content in that. I still need to learn to put down my pride everyday so that the Lord may use me as He used Moses because of His humility. To be a better steward of the time that He has given me on this earth and the gifts I have acquired by His mercy for His glory.

As I struggle and I as I sin I still want to serve the Lord, and I desire so much to see others come with their weaknesses and difficulties to join the body, not a body that is perfect, not a body without blemishes, but come to love our God and love our neighbors!
We cannot emphasize enough what importance the true body of Christ has been to us this year and we so want other to see the blessings, love, encouragement of being and taking part in this body! We are so expectant and hopeful to have the body grow and strengthen and together to seek the face of our Savior, to fall more in love with Him, to be more in awe of Him, and to embody Him more every day! That together we may bring Him more glory.

In life as ministry one is always going to have loses and the road may be painful not just spiritually but physically as well, so I encourage you to keep fighting the good fight and seek God first and then seek others so that you may grow up in spiritual strength and when the devil comes you will resist him.

Blessings brothers and sisters may my God guide you in your difficulties and trails and always remember that you are not a number you are family!

Thank you again to the body of Christ we are so blessed by you!

Email us at oneforguate@gmail.com 
See more pictures on our ONE for Guate fb page